My little happiness diary☆彡



How I spend the night when I can't sleep.(眠れない時の夜の過ごし方)

I fell asleep on the sofa after watching the movie "Demon Slayer,Infinity Train" last night. (昨夜、無限列車を観た後ソファで寝落ちした。) I couldn't sleep well yesterday. (よく眠れなかった。) So I had a nap today. (今日、昼寝した。) Since …

鬼滅の刃『無限列車編』Demon Slayer『Infinity Train』

Did you go to the movie "Demon Slayer,Infinity Train" ?(劇場版鬼滅の刃『無限列車編』観に行った?)I went to the movie!(私は観に行ったよ!)It's a movie to be impressed. The movie has many moving words!(すごく感動する映画。ときめくセリフがた…